Invited Speaker Abstract Submission

About Invited Lectures

  • If you are a speaker of Invited Lectures, please read the following instructions for abstract preparation.
  • Invited Lectures for the 21st Federation of Asian Veterinary Associations Congress;
Special Symposium (Part Ⅰ-V)
Invited Lectures (1-10)

Abstract submission

Deadline: 30th July 2022

Abstract submission is by data upload. Please submit your abstract from the “New Registration” button below.
Please refer to the guidelines below for your abstract preparation.
All submitted abstracts will be published on the「Proceedings」.

Abstract submission for the 21st Federation of
 Asian Veterinary Associations Congress

  • Please prepare your abstract and biography as a Word file.
  • Guidelines for abstract;
Language: English
Title: Maximum 30 Words
Abstract text: Maximum 500 Words
  • Order of presentation information
Title(Maximum 30 Words)
Abstract text(Maximum 500 Words)
  • Guidelines for biography;
Language: English
Biography text: No word limit (used as lecturer profile during lecture)
Note: Biography will NOT be published in the proceedings (used as lecturer profile during lecture)

Abstract registration

  • Please set your password to submit your abstract for the first time. Once abstract is submitted, registration number will be issued. Your password and registration number are required to review and modify your abstract.
  • You can modify your abstract as many times as necessary before the deadline from the “Review and Modify” button. The last uploaded data will be accepted as the final version.


Nippon Travel Agency Co,. LTD.
Kyushu Corporate Sales Office
Nihonseimei Hakataekimae Bldg 5F, 3-2-1 Hakataekimae,
Hakata-ku, Fukuoka, 812-0011, Japan
TEL: +81 (92)-451-0606  FAX:+81 (92)-451-0550
Person in charge: Kawamura・ Shimozawa

21st Federation of Asian Veterinary Associations (FAVA) Congress